Reading Support
Reading specialists at Baltimore Lab School work to support students in their journey to become independent, confident, and enthusiastic lifelong learners. Reading support can be administered through integrated classroom instruction or intensive small group “pull out” services.
At Baltimore Lab School, we do not subscribe to just one best method for teaching students who experience reading difficulty. We believe that our students have varying strengths and challenges and that teaching them is far too complex a task to subscribe to one method. We call on our reading specialist expertise, vast training in multisensory reading programs and staff responsiveness to the whole child to implement a diagnostic and prescriptive program that is tailored to each student’s individual needs.
Student progress is informally monitored during reading sessions and assessed two times during the school year using a research-based benchmark assessment system, as well as a fluency assessment to identify instructional and independent reading levels and document student progress.
The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is an organization that concerns itself with the complex issues of dyslexia. The IDA membership consists of a variety of professionals in partnership with people with dyslexia, their families, and all others interested in its mission. The IDA actively promotes effective teaching approaches and related clinical educational intervention strategies for individuals with dyslexia by sharing current research, trends, and tools that optimize programs to assist children with language-based learning differences. The association supports and encourages interdisciplinary research and exploration of the causes and early identification of dyslexia.
The Center for Effective Reading Instruction (CERI), is an affiliate of the International Dyslexia Association (IDA). The organization offers professional certificates and certifications to qualified individuals teaching and supporting reading in public and private general, remedial, and special education settings. Some of our educators hold advanced CERI certifications to serve the reading needs of readers with profiles characteristic of Dyslexia. These individuals have successfully completed a supervised practicum experience with an IDA Accredited Provider. These practicum experiences require candidates to demonstrate the ability to meaningfully impact a student’s or students’ reading profiles using a combination of valid, reliable Curriculum Based Measures (CBM) and also, Curriculum Based Assessments.
The State of Maryland Literacy Association (SoMLA) is the leading literacy organization in the state of Maryland comprised of over 1,500 members in 17 active local chapters (16 representing ALL counties in Maryland and one student chapter at a university). Membership in SoMLA includes teachers, administrators, instructional assistants, university professors, college students, parents, and other community members. SoMLA is an affiliate of the International Literacy Association.
The International Literacy Association (ILA) is a professional organization with a mission of connecting research and practice to continuously improve the quality of literacy instruction across the globe. The International Literacy Association (ILA), formerly the International Reading Association, is a professional membership organization of more than 300,000 literacy educators, researchers, and experts across 128 countries. ILA advocates for children’s rights to read and for excellent literacy instruction in reading, writing, communicating, and critical thinking. ILA believes that every child, everywhere, must be given equitable access to the education, opportunities, and resources needed to realize their full potential and become active global citizens capable of participating in and contributing to their communities at every level.