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Health Services

The purpose of BLS Health Services is to maintain, improve, and promote the health of the school-age child. The school employs a full-time school nurse who is available in the Health Suite Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM during our 10-month program. Summer hours are from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Parents should feel free to contact the school nurse regarding the health concerns of their children. 

Annual Student Medical Information

For the 2024-2025 school year, we continue to use an online database called Magnus Health Student Medical Record, which hosts all student medical information. There are many benefits to using an online database including less paperwork for parents to complete each year and having more accurate information that is accessible to parents and the appropriate employees at our school.

Some health data will be collected in Magnus Health Student Medical Record via web-based forms that you can fill out online. Other forms require a physician to complete; you may upload the completed forms to your child’s record using the Magnus Health Student Medical Record portal.

New parents/guardians will receive a “Welcome E-mail” from the Magnus Health Student Medical Record portal with information about how to create an account.

If you do not have access to a computer, please call the school and we will be happy to send paper copies. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Magnus Health

How do I complete my child’s annual health records?
  • To log in to the Magnus Health Portal CLICK HERE
  • You should receive a welcome letter from Magnus Health with directions on setting up your login information once your child is enrolled at BLS. 
  • If your child is enrolled and you need a new Magnus welcome letter, please email Nurse Amber or Ms. Gladfelter.
  • Scan and upload the following documents:
    - New families: Record of Physical Examination form and Immunization Records
    - Returning families: If updated, upload Record of Physical Examination form and/or Immunization Records
    - All families: Action plans and/or medication forms should be re-submitted before each school year (or ESY, if your student attends summer program).

What do I do with forms once they are signed by my child’s physician?
  • All forms are added to Magnus Health by scanning and uploading the forms to Magnus Health. If you do not have access to a scanner, you may send a hard copy to the school c/o Amber Cooper, School Nurse. 

Does my child need special forms if they use an inhaler, EpiPen/Auvi-Q injector, or other emergency medication? 

  • For asthma: “Asthma Action Plan” and “Prescription Medication Form” must be completed and signed by a healthcare provider.
  • For risk of anaphylaxis: “Allergy Action Plan” and “Prescription Medication Form” must be completed and signed by a healthcare provider.
  • For seizure rescue medication:  “Seizure Action Plan” and “Prescription Medication Form” must be completed and signed by a healthcare provider.

Required Health Forms

The Record of Physical Examination is mandatory for all students new to Maryland schools, and all students who plan to participate in after-school athletic activities. 

Part I: To be completed by parent or guardian.

Part II: To be completed only by a Physician/Nurse Practitioner.

Scan & upload the completed form to Magnus Health. CLICK HERE to log in.

In the State of Maryland, students may not attend school without evidence of the required immunizations. For returning students, please upload any updated immunization records to Magnus Health Student Medical Record to keep student records current.

Vaccination requirements for the 2024-2025 school year are listed here. If documentation is not presented to the school by the first day of attendance (when a student is newly enrolled), the child must be excluded the next school day and may not return until records are provided by the parent and/or guardian to show current immunization compliance. More information on immunizations and reasons for exclusion can be found on the Maryland Department of Health website here.

Scan & upload all immunization records to Magnus Health. CLICK HERE to log in.

Action Plans & Medication Forms

Emergency Medications must be provided in the appropriate dose and in the original prescription packaging with a completed School Prescription Medication Form.

All Action Plans include a section to be completed by the parent and/or guardian.

Asthma Action Plan: must be filled out and signed by Physician/Nurse Practitioner

Anaphylaxis and Allergy Action Plan: must be filled out and signed by Physician/Nurse Practitioner

Seizure Action Plan: must be filled out and signed by Physician/Nurse Practitioner

G-tube Authorization Form: must be filled out and signed by Physician/Nurse Practitioner

Diabetes Management Form: must be filled out and signed by Physician/Nurse Practitioner

Scan & upload the completed form(s) to Magnus Health. CLICK HERE to log in.

The School Prescription Medication Form must be completed if your child is to receive prescription medications during the school day and/or will have emergency medication (inhalers, EpiPens) on hand. Medications must be provided in the appropriate dose and in the original prescription packaging with a completed School Prescription Medication Form.

This form absolutely must be signed by ­both Parents/Guardians and a Physician/Nurse Practitioner.

Scan & upload the completed form(s) to Magnus Health. CLICK HERE to log in.

The Non-Prescription/Over-the-Counter Medication Consent Form is optional but must be completed if you would like your child to have the option to receive nonprescription medications, as listed on the form, during the school day. Here are the updated Discretionary Medication Dosage Protocols.

This form absolutely must be signed by both Parent/Guardian and Physician/Nurse Practitioner.

Scan & upload the completed form(s) to Magnus Health. CLICK HERE to log in.


Ways to Promote a Healthy SCHOOL Environment

  • Keep your child at home when they have illnesses such as:
    • Fever greater than 101 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep your child home until his or her fever has been gone for 24 hours without medication.
    • A cold with an excessively runny nose, sneezing, and/ or a deep or productive cough. Colds can be contagious for at least 48 hours. Returning to school too soon may slow the recovery process and expose others unnecessarily to illness.
    • Head lice that have not been treated.
    • A child with vomiting or diarrhea. He/she should be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
    • Infections/rashes on the skin that have not been diagnosed.
    • Pink eye/conjunctivitis - a child can return when prescribed eye drops are used for 24 hours and the eye does not have discharge, and is not irritated/itchy.
    • Strep throat- child must remain home until 24 hours of antibiotic has been given, and the child feels well.
  • Notify the nurse if your child develops a communicable disease or condition (for example flu, strep throat, pink eye, head lice, impetigo).
  • If your child has a serious illness or injury, or hospitalization notify the nurse. A doctor’s clearance is required to resume participation in athletics use.

Early Dismissal

Children who become ill at school and need to go home are required to be picked up by a parent/guardian or other designated pick-up person within 1 hour of a call from the nurse. Children recover better at home. Prolonged stays in the nurse's office expose children to germs. Please have an emergency plan in place so that should you receive a sick call during the school day, your child can be picked up in a timely manner.

This page was last updated on July 24, 2024.

School Nurse